Long Haul Flight Essentials for Highly Sensitive Travelers

Let's be real, who actually enjoys long haul flights? The seats are uncomfortable, the whining of the plane engines is somehow both soothing and incredibly annoying, it's packed with people (and sometimes crying babies)... the list goes on and on. But if you have anxiety, are highly sensitive, or have chronic health issues, flying can be even more difficult. That's why I've created this list of long haul flight essentials, so you can learn from my mistakes and enjoy your trips even more!

Why It's Important to Prepare Ahead of Time

Because I am highly sensitive, planes can be a sensory and emotional overload for me. We highly sensitives are more in tune with everything around us, so all the noises, people, and emotions swirling around the plane can take a toll on our sensitive selves. It is important to understand that ahead of time and prepare accordingly.

I tend to need some alone/quiet time at least once a day, especially if I am in a high sensory environment. Before I leave for the airport, I take extra time away from sights/smells/sounds so I am prepared to be out of my comfort zone for a while. Even in the week leading up to my flight, I do some additional self-care to make sure that my emotional tank is full. Not only does it help me on the long haul flight, but it also helps me feel energized for my trip.

Jet Lag for Highly Sensitive Persons

Jet lag is also an important factor to prepare for. I know that when I am sleep deprived I am extra sensitive. Some people swear by slowly adjusting your body to the new timezone prior to departure, others say staying up for as long as possible is the way to go. Personally, I opt for the staying up strategy depending on what time my plane will land at my destination.

On my last trip, we left late evening and arrived in Switzerland around 2PM local time. I planned to sleep a few hours on the plane (which plane sleep is never really restful but it's something) and then stay up until my normal bedtime in the new timezone. I actually felt pretty good with that strategy, especially because I prioritized drinking extra water before and during the flight. Dehydration will actually make you tired, so remember to drink up!

Remember, rest is extra important for us HSPs so get plenty of rest before you head off to the airport too!

What to Wear

Wearing comfortable clothing is definitely a long haul flight essential. If you are sensitive to fabrics or tightness in your clothing, prioritize something extra soft or extra loose for the flight. Here's my go-to travel outfit:

  • Leggings (with pockets!) or compression leggings if it's an extra long flight
  • Big T shirt
  • Sports bra
  • Warm and comfy socks (or compression socks)
  • Sneakers that are easy to slip on and off

Again, what's most important is that you are comfy! I also always bring a sweatshirt and sometimes even layer with a tank top because I know my body temperature can fluctuate a lot too. I've gotten stuck on the hot tarmac too many times now to skip on a tank top because it gets hot, fast!

List of Long Haul Flight Essentials

Now onto those in-flight long haul flight essentials. When I first started traveling, I honestly didn't believe in the whole neck pillow, eye mask, earplugs thing, but now I won't leave home without them. I found the most amazing neck pillow that you can mold into so many different shapes, and that was a total game-changer for me. You can use it for lumbar support, around your neck for sleeping, or even up against the window as a pillow! So the list of long haul flight essentials is:

  • Noise canceling headphones - this is a big one for me!
  • Reusable water bottle - planes are dehydrating and most airports have fountains to refill your bottles now so you don't have to spend extra money or worry about bringing it through security!
  • Eye mask - great for when someone insists on turning on their light in the middle of the trip!
  • Neck pillow - for that extra bit of comfort
  • Snacks - the hanger is REAL
  • Pre-downloaded podcasts, music, movies, or books for entertainment
  • Anything else that is small and you find soothing - stuffed animal, chakra stones, stress ball, lotion (under TSA limits!), your favorite tea (ask your flight attendant for some hot water), etc

When it comes to entertainment, I opt for things like books and podcasts over movies/TV because those are more soothing to me. I will download a bedtime story too and use my noise-canceling headphones if I'm having a hard time sleeping!

Infographic for long haul flight essentials with headphones, water bottle, snacks, neck pillow, eye mask books, music, and podcasts

How to beat Travel Anxiety on Long Haul Flights

I actually created this amazing guide on How to Cope with Travel Anxiety which you can download for free!

But if you have severe anxiety (like me), definitely keep your anxiety medication handy, have some tactile items that help soothe you (like your long haul flight essentials), and make a plan with your travel companions so they know how to help you.

Also, remember that travel anxiety is perfectly normal and it's your body's defense mechanisms kicking in to protect you!

Final Thoughts on Long Haul Flight Essentials for Highly Sensitive Travelers

Vacations are essential for us highly sensitive persons, but traveling can definitely be hard on us if we aren't prepared! I hope this post has given you some ideas on how to make your next long haul flight more comfortable.

Is there anything else you would add to these lists for long haul flight essentials? Let me know in the comments!

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