15 Affirmations for Highly Sensitive Persons

As a highly sensitive person, I know I am more affected by the world around me. Other people's moods, too much stimulation, bright lights, Abercrombie, crowds, loud sounds, etc all affect me more than most people. I definitely have to ensure I'm taking time to recenter myself so I can stay happy and grounded. One of the ways I do that is through affirmations. So today I am excited to share my go-to affirmations for highly sensitive persons.

What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

Dr. Elaine Aron coined the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and has extensively written and researched the topic over the last 30 years. And yes, having higher than normal sensitivity IS a real thing! It affects about 20% of the population. HSPs think and feel more deeply than the rest of the population, which means we experience both the highs and lows more acutely. I really, REALLY can't watch horror movies because they make me physically ill. And I am also moved to tears by happy endings, touching moments, or great triumphs. HSPs get overwhelmed easily, and I am most affected when I have too much to do/getting too much sensory stimulation. So while we HSPs might feel everything in more intense ways, it is not all bad!

[PS - Take this quiz to find out if you are a HSP!]

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are basically phrases you say to yourself to provide encouragement, emotional support, or manifest desired outcomes. You are essentially telling yourself positive things about yourself. I remember when I first started my affirmation practice, I felt absolutely ridiculous doing them. But I trusted the process and now I can't imagine my routine without them! There are many types of affirmations, and depending on the day I might use a set of affirmations for highly sensitive persons or I might use a set for manifesting entrepreneurship (since I am a new blogger :) ). The trick is finding a set (or sets!) that work for you.

Infographic with affirmations for highly sensitive persons in a bulleted list

List of Affirmations for Highly Sensitive Persons

Knowing how to take care of my unique needs has helped me manage my life so much better, so I have created this list based on my own experience and added in some additional ones I think you will find helpful :)

  • I am safe
  • I am okay
  • Not everything has to be done today
  • I am capable of handling many things
  • It is okay that I need extra time for me
  • Others feelings are not my responsibility
  • My sensitivity makes me strong and unique
  • I am creative
  • I am empathetic
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • I choose to protect my energy
  • I am grateful for who I am
  • I am worthy
  • I have so much to give
  • I love my life

Some things that affect me most are too big of a to-do list, too much sensory stimulation, and too many people requiring my attention. Also, something I have struggled with more lately is falling into the social comparison trap (especially on social media as I am growing my business). I definitely find myself getting overwhelmed by these things, and affirmations are one of many tools I use to soothe myself.

Affirmations for Highly Sensitive Persons Final Thoughts

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I hope you find these 15 affirmations for highly sensitive persons helpful! Let me know in the comments any of your other favorites so I can add them to future lists :)

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Sunrise beach photo with the tide coming in, text overlay reads 15 Affirmations for Highly Sensitive Persons


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