How to Cope with Travel Anxiety

What is Travel Anxiety?

We all experience stress in our lives, but when it becomes overwhelming or starts to interfere with day to day functioning, that is when it gets to a level considered anxiety. We may give up on activities we love (like travel) because the stress of it is too overwhelming and takes away from enjoying the activity. So, travel anxiety is any anxiety that relates to travel, whether that is before, during, or after your trip. Learning how to cope with travel anxiety can help quiet your worrying mind and enjoy your trip again. 

My Story with Travel Anxiety

I've lived with crippling anxiety my whole life, but a few years ago I decided to stop letting it run my life. Now I know how to work with my anxiety so I can live my best life. (and yes, I still have A LOT of anxiety, and accepting that has been very freeing!)

My personal travel anxieties come in a few flavors: 

  • Actually traveling (flying, boats)
  • Basic needs (where's the bathroom?!, can I find things to eat?, is the bed going to be comfortable for me?, etc - read about my connective tissue disorder here)
  • Logistics (what time does this place open?, do I need to get tickets in advance?, how am I going to get around?, is it going to be crowded?, etc)

As you can see, I worry about a lot. BUT I have learned how to cope with travel anxiety and now those worries are not overwhelming and they no longer interfere with my life :)  

How I Learned to Cope with Travel Anxiety

I have always loved traveling and I definitely have a restless soul, so not traveling was never really an option for me. I knew then that it was a matter of finding something that worked so I wouldn't have to give up on an activity I loved so much.

Learning how to cope with travel anxiety took some trial and error. There are lots of strategies out there to cope with anxiety, and I use a variety of coping skills in my everyday life. After trying a few different ones, I finally found one that landed for me (pun intended :) ). This is now my go-to strategy for coping with travel anxiety.

I have created a guide to help you utilize this strategy too! Traveling bring me such joy, I don't want anyone to miss out on amazing experiences because of anxiety. 

How This Guide Can Help You

If you are looking for answers on how to cope with travel anxiety and want to let go and enjoy your next trip, this guide is for you!

The guide will help you by explaining my go-to strategy and teaching you how to implement it. After reading the guide and completing the worksheets, you should feel prepared to handle situations that make you anxious while traveling.

What You Will Find in This Guide

  • My go-to strategy for coping with travel anxiety
  • Detailed list of coping skills to use with the strategy
  • Relaxation ideas list
  • Worksheets to practice your new skills
  • A bring along worksheet for some extra help

Are you ready to learn how to cope with travel anxiety so you can enjoy your next trip? Click the link below to get my FREE Guide to Coping with Travel Anxiety. 

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