Feeling Overwhelmed? Go Travel (it's good for anxiety!)

When was the last time you took a vacation?

In the United States, work culture is not really vacation-friendly, which means most people are not taking extended time off! Travel is good for anxiety, so it's no wonder Americans are stressed out, overwhelmed, and overworked. 

Anxiety affects almost 20% of the population, and it's actually the most common mental disorder. I have a theory that it's because we're not traveling enough ;) 

While there are many proven health benefits of traveling, it is ESPECIALLY good for anxiety. You're probably asking "But Lacey, WHY is travel good for anxiety?"

Well, I'm going to tell you! 

Why Travel is Good for Anxiety, Specifically

If you're like me, anxiety makes you feel lotsssss of negative emotions. 

I get overwhelmed easily, my thoughts race, I am constantly restless, I doubt myself... I could go on and on.

Travel has been great for my anxiety for so many reasons, but the main ones are developing resilience, expanding my mind, facing my fears, enhancing creativity, and building confidence

So basically, travel is good for anxiety because it cultivates experiences that reduce anxiety both while you are traveling and when you get back home. And who doesn't want to experience less anxiety? 

Photos collage of Switzerland with smiling girl , cows, and Swiss Alps

Develop Your Resilience

Travel develops your resilience because there will be unexpected events that you have to handle. You learn how to adapt on the fly, navigate cultural barriers, and accept situations for what they are. The flexibility, patience, and strength that comes from navigating these experiences will make you resilient, which is so important to living with anxiety. 

Expands Your Mind

Travel expands your mind because you take in new cultures, ways of doing things, and see different ways of living. Travel shows you that there is more to life than what is right in front of you, which put your worries into perspective.  By gaining fresh perspectives, you will have new ways to challenge your anxious thoughts. In my opinion, this is the number one reason why travel is good for anxiety. 

Face Your Fears

Travel definitely makes you face your fears. I very much dislike losing control, and travel is one of those things where you have a limited amount of control. You also face your fears by pushing out of your comfort zone and taking that leap off a 30 foot cliff, or ziplining through the jungle, or camping out in the middle of nowhere. 

By facing your fears, you will set them free. And by having less fears, you have less anxiety, so that's why travel is good for anxiety! 

Enhance Your Creativity

Every time I get back from a trip, I'm full of energy and excited to start creating again. Taking time away from everything allows my brain to reset. I let go of anxious thoughts, and return home refreshed and ready to go. Taking a break + having new experiences is key to creativity, and travel is the ultimate way to do that! 

Build Your Confidence

Travel builds your confidence because you gain concrete experiences where you did something and succeeded. When you do it enough times, you can go into any situation knowing that you got this. And that's a really nice feeling!

Building confidence lowers anxiety, and I can tell you from personal experience that it helped me significantly. 

Infographic for why travel is good for anxiety

Other Considerations on Why Travel is Good for Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety differently so it's important to find what works for you. I love international travel, but if you enjoy taking trips to the beach, that is perfectly fine too! There's really no wrong way to take a trip as long as you return home feeling refreshed :)

And if you want to travel but are anxious about it, check out my Guide to Coping with Travel Anxiety! This will help you overcome worries you have before you even go on the trip. If you have questions or comments, email me anytime! 

Final Thoughts on Why Travel Is Good for Anxiety

What benefits do you get from traveling? Drop them in a comment below! 

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