My Travel Philosophy

To me, travel is as much about the journey as it is the destination. Traveling gives me a chance to get out of my normal and step into other places with different cultures, languages, values, mindsets, and lifestyles. It gives me perspective, makes me more grateful for the things I have, and allows me to be a better global citizen. I learn not just about myself, but about others. This makes me a more compassionate, empathetic, and creative person. I believe everyone should travel during their lifetime, and I am here to (hopefully) inspire you to go off the beaten path and immerse yourself in a totally new place.

When my husband, Andrew, and I plan a trip, we look for places where we can stay for the majority of our time as a "home base" and take day trips from there. We think this gives us more time to get to know the culture of the city and really slow down to appreciate where we are. It also helps with my anxiety and high sensitivity to have some structure and routine while we travel.

We look for accommodations based on walkability, price, and amenities. We look for laid back luxury hotels where I can take some quiet time to process and relax. I have a genetic connective tissue disorder that often leaves me in a lot of pain, so comfort while traveling is a must-have for us.

Our priorities for travel are getting acquainted with the local culture and history, visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and seeing amazing wildlife and nature throughout the world. We're not here to check off as many places as we can as fast as we can because we want to enjoy every second of the journey. My connective tissue disorder and anxiety have helped me lean into this way of travel as well, and I am grateful for learning to slow down and appreciate the moment.

I am grateful every day for the amazing parts of the world I have seen, and I am excited for the places I have yet to go!


"Be brave. Be wild. And stay forever hungry for love, knowledge, and adventure."



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