How to Use 54321 Grounding Technique to Relieve Travel Anxiety

If you're like me, you LOVE to travel, and you still get anxious while you're out adventuring. But we don't let that stop us! We use coping techniques to work through it and jet off to our next destination. So today I'm going to teach you how to use the 54321 grounding technique so you can add it to your arsenal.

First, I want to say that having anxiety does NOT mean you are weak, worthless, or undeserving of good things in your life. Anxiety is perfectly natural (especially in situations where our mind/body perceives danger!) and you are not alone in your experience. Learning to live with anxiety instead of fighting it or wishing it away was one of the best things I did for myself. After years of therapy, I have learned so many coping skills that I can apply to many situations. The 54321 grounding technique is one of my go-to's for travel anxiety!

And remember, you are safe, you can breathe, and you can handle anything that comes your way. Pin this to remind yourself later!

I am safe, I can breathe, and I can handle anything that comes my way quote on a navy blue background

If you're interested in other coping skills and anxiety management techniques, check out my Wellness Posts!

What is Grounding?

The goal of grounding is to anchor ourselves in the present. It helps us manage strong emotions by allowing us to step away from negative thoughts, emotions, or memories. It's especially helpful if you have panic attacks (like me).

So basically, grounding separates us from the distressing emotions or situations we are in, and it turns off the fight/flight/freeze portion of our brains.

How will Grounding Help me with Travel Anxiety?

Grounding helps with travel anxiety by helping us regulate our emotions when we get overwhelmed, flooded, or experience other distressing emotions. Personally, I get overwhelmed in large crowds, so using a grounding technique helps me avoid a panic attack. But really, you can use the 54321 grounding technique for any situation while traveling.

I highly recommend practicing this technique when you are in a calm and safe environment, and then gradually work your way into more distressing situations. If you practice while you are calm, you will be more likely to remember it when you are distressed (and that's half the battle!).

how to use 54321 grounding technique infographic

How to Use the 54321 Grounding Technique

The 54321 grounding technique is also a mindfulness technique because you are engaging your senses and focusing your awareness on specific things in the present.

So to use the 54321 grounding technique, you are going to identify

  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can hear
  • 3 things you can touch
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing you can taste

Now, I'm going to use this picture to give you a specific example of how to use the 54321 grounding technique.

A woman sits on a wooden bench next to the Limmat River at sunset, gazing at Fraumunster and St Peter's church in the distance. The boats bob in the water in front of her. A zurich photoshoot is a fun item to add to a one week switzerland itinerary
Zurich, Switzerland

Now, imagine yourself exactly where I am sitting.

  • What are 5 things you see? Boats, ducks, trees, church towers, and the river.
  • What are 4 things you hear? The rushing of the river, ducks quacking, cars driving by, people laughing on the sidewalk.
  • What are 3 things you can touch? The wooden bench seat, the concrete edges of the bench, your clothes.
  • What are 2 things you can smell? The cooking of nearby restaurants, your purfume.
  • What is 1 things you can taste? Maybe it's chewing gum or the drink you have in your backpack.

You can practice this with your own pictures, or you can try it out at home or while you're out in a low-stress environment. The key is to practice in a low-stress situation!

Final thoughts on How to Use 54321 Grounding Technique to Relieve Travel Anxiety

Now you have learned how to use the 54321 grounding technique to relieve travel anxiety! By practicing at home, you don't have to worry about remembering what to do when you get overwhelmed. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below, shoot me an email, or DM me on Instagram!

And if you want my full guide to Coping with Travel Anxiety, you can get that here.


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